
Showing posts from February, 2019

Teiyette and the Devil's Message

Teiyette and the Devil is a short story written by a 17 year old girl from Guadeloupe. In context, someone can infer that she is an Afro-Caribbean individual based from the short story,  Teiyette and the Devil. However, this piece of literature has aspects of creole by a 17 year old female  Teiyette and the Devil, For my For my input on this story, it has literary characteristics, which means  it its morely for entertainment and has also a serious message they are trying to get across. In my personal viewpoint, the author was implementing that even though he is a handsome-looking man or even a pretty female, they can be toxic or just not good for you. The intended audience the author was reaching out to was basically young girls. The author does it in many brilliant ways. The most entertaining part of the story was when the girl was meeting the guys trying to woo her and being described as unappealing animals. " The young girl came out, picked up the most silver cup and g...

Adopting Antigua and Barbuda

The two islands I have adopted is Antigua and Barbuda. They are two islands comprised into a single independent country. Antigua and Barbuda location is Northeastern of Montserrat, North of Guadeloupe, and Eastern of St. Kitts and Nevis. The language spoken in Antigua and Barbuda is English. Antigua was colonized by Britain in 1632 and Barbuda was colonized in 1678. The government is a Constitutional Monarchy with two legislative houses which includes a Senate and a House of Representatives both having 17 seats with the top head being Queen Elizabeth II.

Something About the Quiet Kid in the Back

My name is David Rose and I have been walking this Earth for 18 years. My interests is Basketball and Boxing, because I have been doing those sports since I was 8 years old. I did more sports, but never got attached to it like it was a necessity to me.  I have been in college ever since i was 16 from me doing Dual Enrollment and has been a blessing to me by it being free. Honestly, I want to become a doctor and perform in a way to be recognized by the community. I want to achieve my goals in life and be able to say I left a mark on this Earth in a positive, so my name will never be forgotten.